Solène Tessier

Solène Tessier

Product Design Manager • Head of Design

Designing a multi-criteria search engine with structured data

Alignment with the brand vision & mission

Secondary research


Iteration & outcome


  1. Inception & Scope of the Project:
    • The Publishing Director came with the idea of the creation of a new content type: plant fact sheets.
    • Ambition: Develop 600 fact sheets, each dedicated to a distinct plant variety, alongside an alphabetical index page.
    • Goal: Drive SEO trafic on the plant names keywords
  2. Observation & Discovery:
    • Methodology: Conducted research to ensure alignment with Ooreka’s brand identity and strategic objectives within a limited resources, budget and time frame.
    • Explored the gardening sector through:
      • Benchmarking analysis: Identified common queries, prevalent article or books types, and prominent digital platforms.
      • Interviewed diverse team members to understand their gardening challenges and aspirations.
    • Key Insights:
      • Users sought simplified search experiences and personalized recommendations amidst the overwhelming volume of gardening information available.
      • Determined that plant fact sheets, with their structured data and simplified search capabilities, could address this need effectively.
  3. Discovery conclusions
    • Identified the main use case:
      Users, eager to cultivate plants but lacking expertise, required guidance in selecting plants aligned with their preferences and living conditions.
    • Innovation: Leveraging on the structured data of a plant fact sheet, introduce a multi-criteria search engine, revolutionizing user experience in the gardening sector.
    • Additional goal: Enhance user engagement and retention on the Ooreka platform by providing valuable, tailored content to our audience.
    • Outcome: A clear roadmap for design fact sheets that not only informed but empowered users in their gardening endeavors, aligning with Ooreka’s mission of knowledge dissemination and user-centric design. The integration of a multi-criteria search engine represents a pioneering innovation in the gardening sector, elevating the user experience to new heights.
  4. Designing the First Version & Iterations:
    • Workshops with Experts:
      • Collaborated closely with botanists and editors identified to produce the content.
      • Conducted workshops to refine functionalities based on expert insights and user needs.
    • Icon & Illustration Design:
      • Developed icons and illustrations to simplify expert terminology and make the content more approachable.
      • Transformed potentially daunting concepts into playful visuals, enhancing user engagement.
    • Initial Launch:
      • Rolled out the first version of the multi-criteria search engine.
      • Launched the first 300 fact sheets, offering users a curated selection of plant information.
    • Post-Launch Enhancements:
      • Introduced PDF versions and download functionality for fact sheets.
      • Resulted in a tenfold increase in user account creations, indicating heightened user interest and engagement.
  5. Designing the First Version & Iterations:
    • Workshops with Experts: Conducted workshops to refine functionalities based on expert insights from botanists and editors identified to produce the content.
    • Icon & Illustration Design:
      • Developed icons and illustrations to simplify expert terminology and make the content more approachable.
      • Transformed potentially daunting concepts into playful visuals, enhancing user engagement.
    • Initial Launch:
      • Rolled out the first version of the multi-criteria search engine.
      • Launched the first 300 fact sheets, offering users a curated selection of plant information.
    • Post-Launch Enhancements:
      • Introduced automated-PDF versions and download functionality for fact sheets.
      • Resulted in a tenfold increase in user account creations, indicating heightened user interest and engagement.
  6. Next:
    • Expansion of Fact Sheet Library:
      • Continued to expand the fact sheet library to cover additional plant varieties.
      • Ensured comprehensive coverage to cater to diverse user interests and preferences.
    • Iteration to Search Engine & fact sheets: see the dedicated project




Debutant to advanced gardener